California Marine
Sanctuary Foundation

CMSF logo

Since 1995 California Marine Sanctuary Foundation (CMSF) has worked to protect the state’s coastal ecosystems while strengthening coastal resilience in the face of population growth, urban and industrial uses, climate change, and resource extraction. Our mission is to advance the understanding and stewardship of ocean resources in California. In each of the five focus areas, CMSF seeks to engage stakeholders, members of the public, as well as experts to help drive cutting edge and creative solutions. For the past 25 years CMSF has proven to be a strategic partner and innovator in coastal programming.

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Mountain iconThe Challenge

After 20 years of successful programs and projects, CMSF embarked on a transformation project to rebuild 100% of its financial and operations infrastructure. This included core financials, revenue recognition, and GAAP compliance. Before partnering with Jitasa, CMSF faced significant challenges in managing its financials effectively while adhering to GAAP requirements.

Lightbulb iconThe Solution

Jitasa was instrumental in the success of CMSF's transformation project. Jitasa provided best practices recommendations for operations management and GAAP financials. Jitasa also provided insights regarding process, GL structure, revenue recognition, and systems integration. Their guidance positively impacted every aspect of CMSF's financial management, from core financials to GAAP compliance and revenue recognition.

Thumbs up iconThe Result

Thanks to Jitasa's assistance, CMSF achieved success in balancing operational financial management with GAAP compliance. This duality of the financials was a significant challenge for CMSF, but Jitasa's assistance made it possible. The ongoing financial consulting and tactical accounting provided by Jitasa also helped CMSF with internal efficiencies and financial segmentation of responsibilities, enabling the organization to focus on its core mission and programming.

Jitasa flames icon Why Jitasa?

People working by river

The level of communication and collaboration with Jitasa was outstanding. Jitasa spoke in non-accounting or business language that was easy for CMSF to understand, despite the complexity of revenue recognition required for many of their programs. CMSF highly recommends Jitasa’s services to other non-profit organizations, as they are a best-in-class organization that has earned the highest level of respect and trust.

Danielle Brown Director of Finance & Operations California Marine Sanctuary Foundation

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